Communication systems for sports
In the sports, technical tools to communicate with each other are indispensable. Due to this technology getting affordable, the possibilities and applications of communication systems on all levels of sports is rapidly rising. Axitour Communication Systems is a supplier of AXIWI communication systems. This system is was introduced as a communication system for referees. However, it is now also used by coaches, referee coordinators and in sports such as handball, basketball, football, hockey, volleyball, water polo, baseball, rugby, ice hockey, floorball, Segway Polo and Lacrosse.

AXIWI The affordable communication systems for sports
The wireless AXIWI communication system is the communication system for sports. The system is ideal for referees supervising a sports to be directly and wirelessly be in contact with fellow referees and officials. The communication system also offers various possibilities for coaching athletes and referees in different situations. With a weight of only 39 grams and the size hardly larger than a matchbox, this is the most user-friendly communication system in the sports.
With the AXIWI communication system, six people can simultaneously communicate handsfree with each other through an open-line connection. Other persons, with a AXIWI device and connected to the group, can listen. Unwanted other people cannot overhear the conversation. One can opt for a permanent open connection or an open listening connection by pressing the PTT (Push to Talk) button.

The communication system for the referee
“Because of the AXIWI systems, communication between the referee and assistant-referee is optimal, whereby can be quickly anticipated on certain game situations.”

The advantages of a communication system for referees
Make quick decisions with the open line connection
- Proactive game management tool
- Directly in contact with referees and officials
- Anyone with a AXIWI communication system is informed live
Motivational for the referee / arbitration team
- Referees and officials are fully involved with the game
Decrease mistakes
- Directly check necessary with colleagues to avoid mistakes
- A decision can be made for each game situation due to the fast and direct communication
More professionality and custody
- Game Participants and coaches appreciate a communication system, because the speed and accuracy of decisions increases. This is in sports of course for the better. By using a communication system, game players experience a referee team much more professionally.
Development of referees
- By letting referees and observers listing with a AXIWI communication system, they know exactly how a referee reacts to specific game situations. This helps them to better analyse the game from the referee’s perspective so that they can evaluate better after the game. This contributes to an acceleration of the referee’s development.
Top referees use AXIWI®
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Clear and effective communication between coach and staff is essential to properly supervise a team during training and competitions. The staff often find themselves on a different positions on the field during a game, but will have to share relevant information (on a safe way) with the entire team. This is not always possible due to ambient noises or other influences.
In this case, the wireless AXIWI communication systems are your best solutions. Our systems allow you to interact with the whole group in a safe and clear manner. This helps the coach and his staff to make the right decisions and give their all for the best results.
The communication systems for the referee coordinator
The AXIWI communication system is the tool for the referee coordinator for train starting and talented referees. The referee coordinator has direct and wireless contact with the referee on the field through the communication system. He can provide the referee with instructions and feedback from the bench. Because the coordinator can coach on the moment, the learning curve from the referee on the field is much shorter, because he can use the feedback immediately.

Developing talented referees
The AXIWI communication system is increasingly used to guide talented referees. They often have a referee coach standing along the lines, who can listen with the conversation between the referees on the field through the AXIWI communication system. This allows the referee coach to know exactly what the officials are saying, what they perceive and how they react to game situations. This way, he can fully analyse the game’s referees and use this information to evaluate after the game.

Training starting referees
It is important starting referees develop themselves quickly and can supervise games independently. The AXIWI communication system is a vital tool to train starting referees. With a communication system, you can instruct referees from along the lines and how to position themselves during certain game situations. This way, you’ll be able to directly provide feedback during a game and greatly improve this game.

The communication system for sports clubs, sports associations and federations
More and more sports clubs are using communication systems for different purposes. They buy it for the referees, the referee coordinator, for coaching starting and talented referees, or for the coach. But these days staff members also using AXIWI for Coronaproof communication and also the medical staff for mutaul communication with the staff at the sidelines. For all these uses, AXIWI offers an outcome.

Sale and rental of communication systems
The Benefits of Axitour
- Sale and rental
- Advice from specialists
- For large and small events
- Order before 02:00 PM UTC+, delivered the next day
- Customer Service always available
- Various secure payment options
- The coffee is always available for you in our showroom
Customer Service
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