For my graduation project, ‘Where Do I End, and You Begin’ at the university of the Arts in Utrecht, I got to use the AT-700 touring system. During my research at ‘master Scenografie,’ I focussed on the relation between guide and spectator, how I could play with those proportions and how the tour can be used as a performance. By taking on the position as a guide and use of tour systems, I was able to make a performance where the performer and spectators moved through the room as a collective, with one group staying here with me (as performer) and being in contact.

My project ended up being exhibited among many different projects, but because of the audio system with headphones, it was possible to move through the area as a ‘closed off’ group. Towards the other exposition visitors, we turned into performers; we, as a group with the same audio systems/headphones, followed my instructions. A part of the performance was the ability of the participants to talk back to the group; this had a pleasant effect and turned spectators into active participants in the performance. Without the technique of Axitour, there wouldn’t be the same intense and united feeling for the group of spectators (who were strangers to each other). It allowed me to perform in a room with lots of things happening and keep the attention of the spectators as well. The headphones made sure you were focussed entirely on the performance.